Monday, January 17, 2011

Session 1, Week 3 -- Planning and blocking

Okay, so I geek'd out on this assignment.  One portion of our assignments for this week is to document our "thought process".  Well, I did just that and believe I went the wrong direction with it -- I made a flowchart.  DOH!  Yes, the inner engineer strikes again.  Can't wait to control that screaming part of my id, or at least bring those screams to a murmur.  So, to commit fully to self embarrassment I thought I would post the product of my time wasted.  After which, I will update this post with what the portion of the assignment actually should be:

Fear the geek:
And what it should've been :)

That brings me to the lesson of the day -- when an artist says "document" they mean "draw" and not "flowchart".  Thankfully Anthony Wong is a patient and wonderful mentor.  So,GEEKs, take note and learn from my stupidity.  :)

See ya next post...

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